Award-winning content writer, ghostwriter and senior corporate communications professional who has published more than 250 articles, op/eds, blogs and other thought leadership in some of the nation's leading mainstream and business trade outlets about the complex issues affecting today’s businesses and consumers. The work featured in this portfolio reflects my understanding of regulated industries, how to develop and deploy effective PR and content marketing strategies and showcases my ability to write on just about any topic in print, digital and video formats.
From marketing brochures and blog posts to press releases and streaming videos, below are representative examples of branded content that I've created over the years, as well as case studies and thought-leadership about public relations, crisis communications, content marketing, and internal communications, including employee engagement.
Below are just a few of the videos I wrote and produced for Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman and Kaye Scholer or helped arrange and prepped our lawyers to appear in third-party videos.